Web Portal News Paper Development

Web Portal is an online communication medium for web user which is scrutinize all over as far and wide as possible. Lily Technology is a leading Web Development company expertise in Web portal development services. We provide Readymade Web Portal with following features.

Used Skills

HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap, Laravel, Codinator, WordPress, .Net, Raw php

Today Online News Paper most income Source Google Adsense & Local Adds. You Develop a Online News Paper with us. We have few experiences in Online News Paper Development. Our News Portal Admin Panel very easy, you can easily maintains it.

Content Management: We are capable enough to maintain and management the web content throughout the life-cycle from the creation to the publication.

Digital Data management: Document management from authoring to publishing, data mining, data post, audio-visual content creation and distribution these data to the digital world.

User-Management: Maintain user activities like, sign-up. Sign-in, profile (multilevel) management, user administration, user behavior tracking etc.

User Engagement: Mail system, web conference, instant message, polls, survey, review, blog, feedback forums etc.

Ecommerce: The most important field and it’s the booming sector in the web. Product catalog, shopping cart, auctions, billing and secure payment system, order management, shipping and inventory management etc.

Security: various level access management, user privilege, personalize content distribution, data encryption etc.

  1. Secured Admin/User Login and Profile Management
  2. Unlimited Dynamic News/ Media Sections
  3. SEO Friendly
  1. Ads Manager Script or Banner
  2. Custom Content Management System (CMS)
  3. News Highlight
  4. Ratings and Reviews
  1. Photo Gallery Management System
  2. Video Gallery Management System
  3. Multilevel Features (Admin, Author, Users and More)
  4. Story Archives

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