Pharmacy Management Software

Pharmacy Management Software is a C# & .NET Based Desktop Application that helps you to manage Small and medium business if you want to track your shop with stock, purchases, sales and generate sales report, purchase report and so many things.

  1. ✔ First 6 months Free Support
  2. ✔ Complete Source Code
  3. ✔ Full Database Backup
  4. ✔ Standalone .exe File
  5. ✔ SkinSoft VisualStyler.Net
  6. ✔ DotNetBar Components

❝ Pharmacy Management Software include Registration of Customer and Supplier, Sales, Purchase, Add Update Product, Stock , Return, User Management, wide range of Report etc ❞

Pharmacy Management Software With POS system is customizable to your business. Our POS software is an affordable solution to help grow your business, from the easy to learn user interface that reduces the amount of taps per transaction, to the robust scheduling and inventory tools.

Pharmacy Management Software Feature

  2. Dynamic Dashboard
  3. Sales, Purchase & payments
  4. Invoice / Bill
  5. Monthly/ Weekly Top Product
  6. Monthly/ Weekly Top Customer
  1. Monthly/ Weekly Top User
  2. User Management
  3. Product Management
  4. Customer Management
  5. Suppper Management
  6. Stock Management
  1. Accounts Management
  2. Date Between Search
  3. User Friendly
  4. SQL Local Database
  5. Database Backup

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